MDT® 2.0 – Modular Diagnostic Toolchain 2.0

Development of the new MDT® 2.0 – Modular Diagnostic Toolchain 2.0

Standardization in the field of diagnosis for automotive and industrial systems is progressing steadily. Both the ODX and the OTX standard are constantly being expanded. For this reason, Sontheim has developed the novel MDT® 2.0 in cooperation with several OEMs, platform-independent and based on the latest diagnostic standards.

With the new Modular Diagnostics Toolchain 2.0, OEMs are able to implement a holistic diagnosis of complex systems. A whole range of innovative features are available for this and the user does not need any programming knowledge. The diagnosis can be made online or offline and fulfills state-of-the-art applications.

20 years of experience in the field of diagnostics, coupled with the specific industry knowledge of large OEMs (off-the-highway and special machines construction) are incorporated into the MDT® 2.0. The new Modular Diagnostic Toolchain 2.0 was created – modern, intuitive and with the latest technologies and graphic options. Based on the ISO standards ODX and OTX, the new tool chain offers OEMs a holistic framework of diagnostic tools. The diagnostic appli­cation can be run as usual on a service PC or laptop, but also directly on a vehicle display, a telemetry unit, a VCI or in the cloud. The graphical applications are completely written in OTX and ODX, supporting integrated standard-­compliant diagnostics for each visu­ali­zation. This is made possible by an optimized runtime, which is extremely compact and performant and at the same time fulfills all standards - even for embedded applications.

MDT 2.0 - Modular authoring system based on standards


Full support of the latest ODX and OTX standards. An extreme lean runtime enables platform-independent use on a PC/laptop, a mobile device, embedded in the vehicle or directly in the cloud.

An MCD-3D server and a D-PDU-API complement the total package and ensure the latest diagnostic features. Programming skills are not necessary, the processing is purely graphical.


Implemented and related products

MDT 2.0 - Modular Authoring System based on standards

MDT® 2.0

Modular authoring sys­tem for the cre­a­tion of complex dia­gnos­tic app­li­ca­tions in the auto­motive sector. Based on ODX and OTX stan­dard and an MCD-3D server.

  • ODX support according to ISO 22901-1
  • OTX support according to ISO 13209
  • MCD-3D Server
  • Platform independent
High-performance Vehicle Communication Interfaces


High-performance Ve­hi­cle Com­mu­ni­ca­tion In­ter­faces for de­vel­op­ment, pro­duc­tion and ser­vice app­li­ca­tions in the auto­mo­tive sector.

  • Up to 6× CAN interface
  • WLAN, LAN, Bluetooth, USB, ...
  • LIN, RS232, RS485, ...
  • With logging function
MDT Service Cloud - worldwide, independent diagnostic access

MDT® Service Cloud

The MDT® Service Cloud enables in­ter­ac­tive data exchange of your dia­gnos­tic app­li­ca­tion at any time and from any lo­ca­tion world­wide.

  • Simple data exchange
  • Administration of session logs, HEX files, etc.
  • HTTPS logging & SSL/TLS encryption
  • Direct ERP connection